Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mortality Report, Episode 1

Things are beginning to grow around the garden, and that means that it's time for the annual tour of what's no longer growing.  By which I mean dead.  Rotting or dessicated.  Dead.

Last winter was particularly hard on plants here in western Washington, what with early frosts, deep freezes, and generally cool conditions at the tail end.  Even plants that survived multiple of the previous winters, plants that weathered some of the coldest temperatures in the last few decades, plants that I payed good money for, dammit, decided that this past winter was just too much to handle.

There seem to be some patterns, though.  Antipodeans did poorly (excepting members of Gaultheria and Ourisia modesta).   Chileans, with a few exceptions, did well.  Native plants got hit hard, but mostly by slugs.  And enough plants died because of my stupidity that I don't feel altogether bad about buying them again.  It may be a few years for some of them, though.

So, in alphabetical order, here is a fairly comprehensive list of plants that didn't survive the winter.